Take Care Nursery School is located in a village called Farato-Sotokoi-Daru, in west Gambia. It was founded in 2004 by School headmaster, Bakary Kujabi.
Here are some photos of the children during a sports day in the School. The School is divided into 4 houses, Red house, Blue house, White house and Green house. Theses houses compete in various areas including football which is very popular in the country. On this particular day, it was Blue house versus White house.
Recently our School joined one hundred other Schools in the National Day Celebrations. It was a very good day, and the children enjoyed themselves very much with much talking and laughing.
If you would like to help Take Care Nursery School please head to the Help Our School page. Alternatively you can contact the School directly with offers of help or supplies/equipment at the address below.